Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tis The Season

As the Christmas season approaches, I am constantly seeing ads for craft sale and the like, but not once did I see an ad for table space at one of these events. So I did some calling and most people informed me that most vendors are from a previous year and they get first dibs, and there is only so much space, yada yada yada. Seriously, isn't more variety better? So after numerous phone calls I managed to secure myself a table at a small church/school close by. After starting to stockpile my wares (although my husband said I had more than enough) I received a call saying the craft show was going to be cancelled as there wasn't enough interest to make it worthwhile. WHAT?!? I thought about having an open house where everyone could come by and take a look, but that would me we'd really have to step up our housekeeping duties. We've really let it go when we brought out all our Christmas boxes. I figured once all the boxes were away it would be easier to clean, but do those boxes ever really go away??? Fortunately my mother-in-law offered up her house which was fabulous, and I didn't have to clean ;) It wasn't a huge success, as my pillowcases which I think are fabulous, hardly sold, but nonetheless it was successfull in that I have less stock and can now start cleaning out my basement and organizing a little bit more. Here are some pictures of some of the things I was selling if your interested. I guess everyone is getting pillowcases for Christmas, and birthdays, and anniversaries... :)

Happy Crafting

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Too Many Ideas...

Hey Everyone, and by everyone I mean me :) I've come to the point in my craftiness that I have too many projects on the go. I always seem to find the time to get things started, and when it's crunch time I always seem to pull through, but when I just want to see how an idea works or how it goes together, I never seem to finish. That is my goal for this week. Finish up all the loose ends. My MIL has been nice enough to let me use her house for an open house for all my wares and I'm never going to have enough stuff if I don't get moving. Imagine how clean my craft room will be. Oh the possibilites of how to fill it up again :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Popsicle Puzzle

Hello friends and fellow crafters! I just wanted to share a very easy craft with items that you probably already have handy. All you need is about 8 or 9 popsicle sticks (large or small) some white glue and a photo (either 4x6 or 5x7 depending on the size of the popsicle sticks) I used 9 large and a 5x7 photo. Lay your popsicle sticks side by side, glue the entire back of your photo and lay it across the middle of the popsicle sticks face up. Set aside and let it dry (we did this overnight) When it is dry, take an exacto knife (or scissors) and cut in between each popsicle stick. Shuffle the sticks and let the kids put the stick puzzle back together. Voila! I thought this might work great for a kids party invitation. You could mail them out and the recipients could have fun assembling them to figure out what it said. Just a thought :) Here's a couple I did with my kids.

Happy Crafting

Monday, October 24, 2011

Welcome Again :)

Welcome again to my second attempt at trying to blog. I have so many ideas and random projects and so many people are always for pictures or tutorials so I thought I'd set up a place for everyone to view them.

First and foremost I'd like to warn you that I tend to get long winded (big surprise for anyone who knows me). I am always on the lookout for tips or ideas for making mine and your live's simpler so we can spend more time with the ones we love. If you have found a wonderful idea or have a project you would like to make, please send a comment or an email and I'll post it or try to help you get it done. On that note, I am so happy to inform you of this wonderful new site I am ADDICTED to, as my husband will agree. It's called Pinterest and it is a virtual bulletin board. I don't know about you, but I have an entire thumb drive full of pictures of things I would love to make or do, but that is all it is... a picture. With pinterest, the pictures of things you love are saved to your board, along with the website it originally came from. This is wonderful for me as well, as I don't have to print off the instructions for some of my DIY projects. Think of all the trees I'll be saving.

2 of my absolute favourite projects are still works in progress, but nonetheless I am still pretty proud of them.

Spencer & Avery

As you will begin to notice on this blog, my kids love to help with all my projects so sometimes they take a little longer than expected. With these wonderful helpers I often cut corners and just try to get it done as fast as possible :) Sometimes this works out, sometimes I stay up until 2 am trying to fix it. Either way, I hope you can enjoy this blog on my busy life with kids and crafting.