As the Christmas season approaches, I am constantly seeing ads for craft sale and the like, but not once did I see an ad for table space at one of these events. So I did some calling and most people informed me that most vendors are from a previous year and they get first dibs, and there is only so much space, yada yada yada. Seriously, isn't more variety better? So after numerous phone calls I managed to secure myself a table at a small church/school close by. After starting to stockpile my wares (although my husband said I had more than enough) I received a call saying the craft show was going to be cancelled as there wasn't enough interest to make it worthwhile. WHAT?!? I thought about having an open house where everyone could come by and take a look, but that would me we'd really have to step up our housekeeping duties. We've really let it go when we brought out all our Christmas boxes. I figured once all the boxes were away it would be easier to clean, but do those boxes ever really go away??? Fortunately my mother-in-law offered up her house which was fabulous, and I didn't have to clean ;) It wasn't a huge success, as my pillowcases which I think are fabulous, hardly sold, but nonetheless it was successfull in that I have less stock and can now start cleaning out my basement and organizing a little bit more. Here are some pictures of some of the things I was selling if your interested. I guess everyone is getting pillowcases for Christmas, and birthdays, and anniversaries... :)
Happy Crafting